What is ESG Management?
'ESG' refers to the non-financial factors, Environment, Social, Governance.
'ESG Management' is a pursuit of sustainable development through eco-friendly, CSR, and transparent management in the long term perspective.
ESG Management Strategies
Creating value for a
better life with
eco-friendly energy

Carbon neutral

ESG Management Slogan
Realizing a sustainable future
through strengthening ESG management
BRILS’ Major Challenges
Eco-friendly management
Increase in purchase ratio of green products / Reducing of carbon, greenhouse gas, and other toxic substances
/ Reduction energy consumption and improving energy efficiency
Transparent management
Increase in social fairness and fairness in executive selection / Reinforcement of prevention against unjust actions and corruptions
/ Improvement of ethical management policies
CSR Management
Improvement of industrial accident management and employment welfare / Expansion and reinforcement of social contribution
/ Increase in the purchase ratio of products from social enterprises and disability firms